Tuesday, August 28, 2012

3+1= Our family

Oh goodness! Do I feel overwhelmed to playing catch up with this blog or what?!
But with the holidays happening and the addition of #2 to our family we have not had an idle moment!!
Micaela (named after my great-grandma)was born on January 6th (one whole week ahead of schedule) She has been a joy and is a blessing to finally have her with us. She is such an easy baby and so mellow! (in comparison to Aitana!)
I can't believe that she is 7 months old already! These months have really flown by, and I can't believe that she is already so big!

Ay madre mia! Que dejadez de blog!! Pero esque entre las Navidades y la llegada del segundo bebe, no hemos parado en esta casa!
Micaela (tocaya de mi bisabuela) nacio el dia de reyes, una semana antes de la fecha esperada. Es una alegria y una bendicion el tenerla ya aqui con nosotros. Es una bebe super buena y muy tranquilita (en comparacion a Aitana)
La verdad que esta creciendo demasiado deprisa y no me puedo creer que ya tenga 7 meses! Pero si es mi bebita!! Cada dia esta mas grande y mas guapa (ya se que tal vez sea el amor de madre hablando, pero que le voy a hacer!)

Fotos en el hospital:
Mi primer momento con ella/ First time with holding her
Aitana meeting her baby sister/ Aitana con Micaela por primera vez
Aitana 1 mes/month

Micaela 2 meses/months

3 meses/months
4 meses/months

5 meses/months
6 meses/months
7 meses/ months

Friday, December 16, 2011


Desde primeros de diciembre tiene este cuento de la biblioteca que son los "12 dias de navidad" y tooooooodos los dias nos hace que se lo leamos/cantemos. Brad y yo odiamos ya el villancico, pero ella se lo esta aprendiendo y canta con nosotros.

Untitled from Lara Pastor on Vimeo.

Papa payo= Papa Noel
Ha ha hao= Ho ho ho

Untitled from Lara Pastor on Vimeo.

Tren del museo de niños

Untitled from Lara Pastor on Vimeo.

Tambien en el museo de niños

Untitled from Lara Pastor on Vimeo.

En el baño

Untitled from Lara Pastor on Vimeo.

Su risa falsa/forzada

Untitled from Lara Pastor on Vimeo.

Aqui la pille comiendome los "Tums" que son una "especie de caramelos" para el ardor de estomago. Vamos, mas que caramelos son medicina, pero me los pillo y ahi la veis, echandome de la cocina para que pudiera seguir comiendoselos!

Untitled from Lara Pastor on Vimeo.

Untitled from Lara Pastor on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Carter Mountain

On Saturday we went to this cute orchard to pick up some yummy apples, drink apple cider, and eat apple donuts! Loved it!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

2 Cumpleaños de Aitana

Aitana tiene ya 2 años!! Todavia no me lo puedo creer, que hace ya 2 años estuviera en el hospital recibiendo a la que ha sido la alegria mas grande de mi vida!!
Tuvimos un dia tranquilito (entre que nosotras estabamos recuperandonos y Brad se puso enfermo...) Aun asi intentamos que Aitana tuviera un dia memorable!

Aitana is 2!! I can't believe that two years ago I was at the hospital welcoming the best thing in my life!
We had a quiet day, since we were still gettin over the stomach bug and Brad was actually getting it! Even with that we tried to make the day memorable for her!

We filled her room with balloons the night before so that she would wake up to this (a cute tradition we intend on keeping)
Le llenamos el cuarto con globos la noche anterior para que se despertara con el cuarto lleno de globos (una tradicion que tenemos pensado continuar)
She had breakfast pancake candles (which she only ate half of one)
Tuvo velas en las tortitas de desayuno (de las que solo se comio media)
She played with her balloons after her nap
Jugo con los globos al despertarse de la siesta

We went to the park with her
Fuimos al parque a jugar
She ate tons of candy (from the night before)
Comio caramelos a pares (de la noche anterior)
She opened presents
Abrio regalos
Soplo mas velas
She blew out more candles
And we eat more sugar
Y comimos mas azucar!


After a horrible weekend filled with "sickness" (i will spare you the details) and missing our ward's Trunk or Treat, I pulled all my energy out of bed to go Trick or Treating under a pouring rain. It was Aitana's first time as well as mine, so the weather not cooperating, our my stomach flu was not going to keep me from having a blast!! And we did.
It was hilarious to see Aitana trying to figure out why people were handing out candy, but she kept going from door to door, knocking/ringing the doorbell and just standing there all cute (we kept telling her that she needed to say trick or treat, but to no avail. At least though she was kind enough to say thank you and goodnight!)

Despues de un fin de semana horrible enferma (no dare detalles) y perdernos la actividad de Halloween de barrio, saque energias de donde no las tenia para ir "Trick or Treating" en Halloween bajo una lluvia torrencial. Era el primer Halloween de Aitana en condiciones (al igual que el mio) y aun con la lluvia y mi gastroenteritis, nos lo pasamos genial!
Aitana no entendia muy bien por que la gente estaba dando caramelos, pero iba de una puerta a otra llamaba y por mucho que la dijeramos que tenia que decir "trick or treat" se quedaba muda, cogia caramelos y hacia ademan de comerselos ahi, en la puerta del vecino. (eso si, por lo menos decia gracias y buenas noches)

Friday, September 30, 2011

I know...

I suck at blogging but hey between family visits, Aitana, pregnancy, and so forth...Anyway, we have been busy. We had my sister and bro-in-law visit for a visit and a nice relaxing cruise. There has been quite a bit of things going on!
Here is a recap

Ultimamente soy lo peor con el blog, lo tengo muy desatendido, pero entre visitas de familia, Aitana y el embarazo he estado ocupadilla. Mi hermana y cunado vinieron a visitarnos, nos fuimos de crucero...hemos estado bastante liados!
Aqui hago un resumen des estos dos ultimos meses

We celebrated my 30th birthday with a big fat slice of cheesecake
Celebramos my cumpleaños con una buen trozo de tarta de queso

Nos fuimos de crucero por el caribe
We cruised the caribbean

Mi hermana y mi cunado vinieron a visitarnos
We enjoyed the visit of my sister and brother in law
We learned we are having another girl!!
Nos dijeron que vamos a tener otra nena!!
Of course she is getting cuter and cuter
Por supuesto cada dia esta mas rica

She has turned into quite the drama queen
Se ha vuelto todo una actrizShe has showed her Spanish side
Se ha vuelto muy flamenca
Se ha vuelto todo una Picasso
She has turned into a Picasso
Ha aprendido a sonreir de la manera mas cursi posible
She has learned the cheesiest smile when it comes to pictures
Todavia sigue siendo la niña mas payasa, divertida, y guapa de nuestro mundo!
She is still the goofiest, cutest and funniest 2 yr old in our world