Friday, June 25, 2010

Virginia is for lovers

And that is where our little family is headed!!
We will be relocating to Richmond, VA this upcoming month!!
Brad is actually flying there already this weekend, and me and Aitana will meet him sometime in the next couple of weeks.
We are very excited in this new chapter in our lives and also sad to leave Utah behind


Shauna said...

It'll be fun to have you guys on our side of the country. Glad you could make it. :)

lorena said...

Todo cambio siempre es bueno; yo creo que cuando las cosas pasan es por algo, seguro que el señor esta detrás y veras como todo sale bien!!

Brittney said...

So exciting!! I hope you find a great place to live!

Esther J. Clarke said...

ayyyyyy... pues yo vivo en Richmond, BC!!jajaja. Yo tb opino q todo cambio es bueno.... es progreso, es.... una aventura!!! Suerte!