Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Aitana got sick last week. I hated it. She had been with diarrhea (TMI) for a coupld of days then on Friday came down with a fever. She was a trooper though. She was so wiped and tired, yet if she heard any music or anything she would try and dance, so cute. Needless to say she barely had energy to even move her arms to the music. She now feels way better though she is not wanting to eat (though she is sleeping like a newborn!!!)

Aitana estuvo enferma la semana pasada. Que mal lo pase. El viernes estuvo con fiebre y el sabado le subio bastante. Pero la pobre no se quejo nada. Me daba una penita verla...aunque no podia con su alma si escuchaba musica, intentaba bailar, aunque la pobre no pudiera apenas mover el brazo...Ahora ya se encuentra mucho mejor, aunque no quiere comer, pero esta durmiendo 18 horas al dia!!!!


Rhiannon said...

Maeva had that same sickness last week! Something must be going around (the country)

Patricia said...

jo tia k kiero k llegue el dia en k tenga k ver a mi beba malita....espero k este mejor ahora