Saturday, November 06, 2010


Since Brad has had this last week off, we planned a trip to DC. Sight seeing with a 12 month old is definately different than without her. (We'll still keep her though)

Como Brad se pillo esta semana entera de vacaciones, decicimos ir a Washington a conocer la capital. Tengo que decir que el hacer turismo con una niƱa de 12 meses es diferente que sin ella! (Pero aun asi, nos la quedamos!)
Las fotos no estan en orden...
FYI- Pictures are not in order...


'Nam Memorial
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln Memorial

WWII Memorial
Washington Monument from WWII Mem.

Autumn walk

The White House (might I add that I was a tiny bit dissapointed? It was much smaller than what i anticipated)

More metro

Capitol Hill


lorena said...

Pedazo de viaje!!! Son una fotos geniales...

Patricia said...

jp k wapo!!! yo tb kiero ir de viaje!!!! por cierto estais moniiiisimas!!!