Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Places I want to go to before I die~ Lugares a donde quiero viajar antes de morirme

Not in any particular order
*Hong Kong. I have always been fascinated by this city that seems to be the "New York of Asia." Old and new rolled into one city.

*Southeast Asia (Okay, So I'm cheating a bit, but I think that I could bundle all of them in one trip). Every time I see something on TV about any of these places I just can't stop day dreaming about the day when I will make it there. I never thought about these places as a place where I would want to go to visit (you always think Italy, or Australia, etc) But EVERY single time I see smtg on tv I just become mesmerized. On top of it, two of my high school best friends made it here a couple of years ago, making me feel so very jealous!!

Siem Reap- Cambodia

Phuket- Thailand

Kuala Lumpur

*Lisbon. I grew up listening to my dad talk about this city, and how beautiful it is. I have never been there, even though it is a mere 6 hour drive from Madrid. I am planning to make it in one of my trips home.

*Prague. some years ago I read a story at a magazine about this city, and ever since I have been dying to travel there. It just seems such a mysterious and romantic city! Who wouldn't want to visit somewhere like that?

*Vienna. Who wouldn't want to go to waltz thru the streets of this city?? Okay, so maybe I wouldn't actually do that. But it would be cool! (Has anyone seen the movies of Empress Sissy??)

*Egypt. A given, right? The land of the Pharaohs. The amount of history in this country is just overwhelming. And the fact that it will be safer to travel there, has to be an added plus. Hopefully it's true and all the political commotion stops so that we can go there someday

*India. My uncle traveled here when I was a kid, and had a gazillion of pictures. The colors of the women's saris, the silk, the spices, and the food!! Yum!

*Machu Pichu. I have heard that this Inca siteis absolutely breathtaking and something almost from another world...

*Dubai and Abu Dhabi. So growing up you think middle east and the last thing that comes to mind was 21st century city...These two cities are the new middle east.

*Jerusalem. The city that is "Three times holy" No only would I love to be able to visit the land of Christ. Literally walked where he walked, see what he saw, smell what he smelled, but also visit the sites that Muslims, and Jews consider Holy.

*Greek Islands. This is my "bonus" place...
So these are probably my top ten.
What are yours???

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